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10 november 2017 av Storbildsfabriken

Välkommen Jon-Craig

Vår marknadsavdelning har fått förstärkning av Jon-Craig som har tagit rollen som SEO Project Manager. Välkommen Jon-Craig!

Välkommen JC. Hur känns det och hur har första tiden varit?
Great. As with starting any new job it is always a difficult first step being the ”new guy” – it feels like your first day at school again. But I love change, so it worked for me! Storbildsfabriken is full of friendly staff so starting work was easy and comfortable.

Vad gjorde du innan du började på Storbildsfabriken?
I work with developing web solutions and working with SEO for companies websites all around Sweden and a few other countries as well (Germany, South Africa, USA). Everything related to building and maintaining websites and the relationship of websites and the business is what I work with.

Ser du fram emot något speciellt med ditt nya jobb?
New experiences and working with positive passionate people. Free cake.

Vad gör du på din fritid?
Free time? What is that? Just kidding… I try to live an active lifestyle, I like to train (swimming at the moment) and have a passion for music which leads me to spend a lot of time at home playing with various electronic sound instruments. When I can I love to travel if time allows it as well.

Vad gör dig till en bra SEO Project Manager?
Attention to detail, focus on both the clients business strategy direction while making sure that all SEO has a positive impact on the business.

Vilket sökord ska vi googla på för att du ska hamna högst upp i resultaten?
Wait let me just update some wikipedia pages. ”Linköping Web Developer, Digital Designer, Specialist SEO” puts me at number one result on Google. Great! However, ”Linköping South African SEO” puts me at number 7… just below my girlfriend. But that makes sense as she has worked in the same industry actually for longer than me. However as Google search results are now tailored for each individual – you might get different results.